Monday, November 27, 2006

sight of....

*ur nick appearin in MSN*

*ur no. in my fone*

*ur foto in my fone*

*u in school*

makes my heart sank.

sight of....

*tall and tanned guys*

*white specs*


*hip-hop dance*

*NIKE bag [black base with yellow words]*


*engine sch*


reminds mi of u.

where's all those excitment and happiness whenever i see u?
no longer there.
instead, regretness n saddness fills my heart.
especially regretness.
u dun even seems to bother abt my existence.
why haf i wasted my tym on u?

if oni u didnt step into my life.

but den, without u in my life for da past yr, i mite not even b who i am now.

tis is so contradictin.

memories of OTC gonna flow back soon.
in a mth's tym.
if i ever get in.
i dun wan everythin to happen da same way s before.
dun let da same guy came into my life again.
it's a terrible life.
jus give mi a life tt i've wanted pls, FATE!

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